Travel Health and Vaccinations

Have jab, will travel … 

Now that international work travel is very much back on the timetable, so is the need to keep you and your employees safe and healthy.

We’re the only MASTA (Medical Advisory Service for Travellers Abroad) specialist travel clinic in Aberdeen, offering all travel vaccinations for personal and business travel, including yellow fever.

We’re also now directly offering the QuantiFERON-TB Gold blood test that aids in the detection of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, the bacteria that causes TB. Needed most predominantly for travel and visa requirements, this test has in the past been delivered by IMM in association with a third party. 
Thanks to technological advances, however, we can now provide it directly – and more cost effectively – at our clinic in the centre of Aberdeen.

international medical management

International Medical Management (IMM) and CEGA, a Charles Taylor Company, provide a unique range of end-to-end occupational health, travel health, offshore and onshore medical services to the energy sectors.

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